

Cloud Computing Notes Pass College, University Exam, RGPV

Master Your Exams with Our Cloud Computing Study Guide and Question Bank

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Whether you're a college student aiming to ace your exams or a university attendee looking to deepen your knowledge, having the right study materials is crucial. We’ve put together a comprehensive PDF guide filled with essential notes and practice questions that will help you excel in your cloud computing courses.


Answers available in PDF

1 Why organizations are adopting the cloud for business and IT perspective? Explain

   Give comparison of cloud computing platforms.

2 (a) Explain the design of cloud computing framework model based on the SOA 

   (b) Discuss the problems associated with cloud computing.

3 (a) Explain Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution with its architecture.

    (b) List the advantages and disadvantages of the services (PaaS, SaaS, IaaS) on the cloud. 

4 (a) Explain the details about application level security in SaaS and IaaS.

   (b) Explain the different cloud service requirements.

5 (a) Give the architecture of CloudSim,

   (b) i. Discuss the features of CloudSim.

         ii. List the benefits of Simulation over the actual deployment.

6 (a) What is the importance of virtualization? Explain the different types of virtualization available.              What are the VMware components? 

    (b) What is clone and template in VMware? Differentiate between them.

7 (a) What is Green Cloud? Discuss characteristics of Green Cloud.

   (b) Explain hybrid cloud with an example.

8     Write short note on the following. (Any two)

(i) Google file system

(ii) Cloud Security services

(iii) Cloud monitoring tools

(iv) Components of VMware infrastructure

9 (a) Explain basic principles of cloud computing in detail.

   (b) Describe cloud services requirements and also explain applications of cloud computing in

        our daily life.

10 (a) List the characteristics and benefits of cloud computing.

    (b) Define virtualization and explain VMware level virtualization with its pro's and con's.

11 (a) Explain in detail about the Roots of cloud computing.

     (b) Write a note on security challenges in cloud computing.

12 (a) Explain government policies of cloud computing and how these policies are applied in

        different organizations.

     (b) Describe the components of cloud computing.

13 (a) Explain the following in detail:

            (i) Platform as a service

            (ii) Software as a service

     (b) Describe the features, challenges and risk in cloud computing.

14 (a) How to create a cloning virtual machine.

     (b) Explain in detail about CloudSim architecture.

15 (a) Explain the cloud service life cycle in detail.

     (b) Discuss the underlying parallel and distributed computing principles adopted by cloud in the IT               sector and brief the drawbacks.

16    Explain following term:

      (i) Cloud Architecture (ii) Green Cloud

18   (a) Define Cloud Computing. What are the advantages of Cloud Computing over the Internet?                      Explain?

       (b) How does cloud storage work? Explain.

19    (a) Define the following terms:

            (i) Utility Computing

            (ii) On Demand Computing

        (b) Explain briefly about various cloud services and their major providers

20    (a) What is meant by infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)? Explain the characteristics of laaS?                         Explain the organization and features of EC2?

        (b) Explain the standards for applications development and messaging

21    (a) Discuss about cloud eco systems and enabling technologies. 

        (b) Distinguish between Full Virtualization and Para-Virtualization .

22    (a) Discuss about Programming on Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. 

        (b) What are cloud or grid middleware applications? Explain.

23    (a) Explain cloud computing simulation using CloudSim Architecture

        (b) Analyze the methods for providing data security and virtual machine security in cloud.

24    (a) Distinguish between the two ways of implementing virtualization

            (i) Bare metal Architecture

            (ii) Hosted Architecture

        (b) Outline the various levels of virtualization with an example for each Category.

25    (a) Elaborate the working of Map Reduce with an example.

        (b) What is Hypervisor? List out some examples?

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