

Yash Technologies Interview Experience 5

Yash Technologies Interview Experience for a Full-Time Position

Company: Yash Technologies

Placement Type: Full-Time

Package: 6 LPA

Yash Technologies

Overview of the Interview Stages

My journey to securing a full-time role at Yash Technologies consisted of a detailed and rigorous selection process. Here’s a walkthrough of each stage:

First Round: Online Tests

The initial phase comprised two parts:

Online Aptitude Test - This was a 45-minute test with 30 multiple-choice questions covering Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Data Interpretation.

Online Technical Test - Lasting 60 minutes, this test included 60 multiple-choice questions. Candidates had the option to choose between Java/JavaScript/SQL or Python/SQL, allowing them to demonstrate proficiency in their stronger programming areas.

Second Round: Group Discussion

The group discussion round revolved around the topic, "Does browsing affect productivity at the workplace?" This round tested not only our ability to argue and defend our viewpoints but also how we respected differing opinions and interacted in a team setting.

Third Round: Technical Interview

The technical interview was comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics:

Basic introduction and discussions around my resume.

Fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented Programming, such as the pillars of OOP.

Specific questions on Java programming, including Autoboxing and Unboxing, differences between Encapsulation and Abstraction, and explanations of method overloading vs. method overriding.

Detailed queries about Interface vs. Abstract Class, the functionality of try, catch, and finally blocks, and SQL queries including normalization, types of joins, and the difference between WHERE and HAVING clauses.

A deep dive into a project listed on my resume, discussing the challenges faced and how they were overcome.

Fourth Round: HR Interview

The final round was with the head recruiter over the phone, focusing on personal circumstances and fit with the company culture:

Questions about my current location, family background, and any other job offers I might have.

Discussions on my willingness to relocate across India, awareness of any contractual bonds, and flexibility in learning new technologies.

An opportunity for me to ask questions about the organization, helping both sides gauge fit and expectations.


The interview process at Yash Technologies was both challenging and enlightening, designed to assess candidates thoroughly from both technical and personal perspectives. Each round was aimed at evaluating different facets essential to thriving in a dynamic work environment, such as technical skills, communication abilities, teamwork, and adaptability. The experience prepared me not only for the responsibilities of the job but also gave me insights into the company's culture and expectations, ensuring a good mutual fit.

Yash Technologies

Yash Technologies
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