

Candy Time Problem solution Cpp/C /Java/Python

Candy time 

Halloween is a festival where children visit homes in their neighborhood and collect candies from each home. 

● Parents want to give children an upper bound on the number of candies they can collect. 

● Children want as many candies as they can get.

 ● We know in advance exactly how many candies each homeowner gives to the children. 

● A child has to take all the candies given at a home 

● They can’t throw away or eat any candy on the way.

 ● Children also have to stop at every home in the sequence of homes they are visiting. Write a program in C or C++ to find the best sequence of homes for children to visit with following input/Output. Input: 

● First input is an integer, homes, that represents the maximum number of homes in the neighborhood. 

● The next input is an integer, max representing the maximum number of candies that the child may collect.

 ● Next input will be integers, pieces, representing the number of Candies given at each home. Homes are numbered consecutively starting at 1. Output: 

● If there is no way to select one or more consecutive homes where the sum of pieces of candy is less than max, then print “NO CANDIES”.

 ● Otherwise, for the sequence of homes that yield the largest number of candies (<=max) print the number of the first home visit, the number of the last home to visit, and sum of pieces of candy. 

● If there is more than one such sequence of homes, select the one with the lowest numbered first home. Sample Input: Sample Output: 5 (No. of homes) First Home: 3 20 (Max no. of candies) Last Home: 5 3 (Candy from Home 1) Total Candies: 19 4 (Candy from Home 2) 2 (Candy from Home 3) 8 (Candy from Home 4) (2+8+9=19) 9 (Candy from Home 5)

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